Friday, November 5, 2021


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Orbs, Mist, and Apparitions

As an investigator, many ask about orbs, mist, and apparitions and wonder what they are in relation to spirit activity. The standard answer refers to a spirit being some form of energy explained by physics. But a few ask the next question. What does that mean and is there a relationship between orbs and mist, etc.

It is common to find orbs when mist is present. However, I have a theory that only time will either prove or disprove. I've taken tons of orb pictures, most usually are dust or moisture in the air. Then there's the very dense or bright orbs. I've found a possible transition orb from orb to mist at various highly active locations. I wonder if the orb as the simplest form of nature is the basic shape of all spirits. When they have enough energy they become denser and or brighter. Could they then evolve into mist? Since it is not uncommon to see figures in shadows or mist, could the next level be an apparition? I wonder if the evolution of an apparition is orb, into mist/ecotplasm, into an apparition? What do you think as an investigator and/or a sensitive?

Ann, website administrator

Update to this original article coming soon !

  Thursday, June 15, 2006 Orbs, Mist, and Apparitions As an investigator, many ask about orbs, mist, and apparitions and wonder what they ar...